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The program includes advanced trading functionality for active institutional- and private investors.


tsco1   tscoportfolio

You can enter, amend, and delete submitted orders instantaneously in just a second on one or several exchanges. The entire trading process can be accessed in the Infront terminal allowing you to monitor and trade multiple markets simultaneously.

It is possible to place orders using keyboard shortcuts. To place an order simply press + to buy and - to sell. Read more about keyboard shortcuts

The following windows are available for Trading:

Trading Window - Providing overview of you Portfolio(s), Orders & Trades
New Order Window - Standard or advanced view for entering orders
Click Trading Window - Enables you to place an order in just one click
Basket Trading Window - Enables you to define baskets and sent them into the market

Supported order types

The program supports different Order Types depending on the exchange, asset class and trading service.

Standard types: At market, Fill or Kill, Fill and Kill, All or nothing, Limit, Market to Limit, At Market and Kill,
Depending on exchange: Contingent, Flex, Interest, Best Possible, Funari
Conditional orders
Direct Market Access or Care Orders
Request for Quote

Position keeping

You can have access to one or several portfolios. You can define your default Portfolio or select a Portfolio each time when placing an order. Each Portfolio will give you overview of all assets, limits and trading power.

Access to several Portfolios

Depending on your trading account, you may have access to several portfolios. You can select between your different portfolios when placing orders. It is also possible to retrieve account information for each individual portfolio.


Limits such as cash, trading power, shorting limits, credit limits etc is defined by the account you are trading on. In addition you can define your own limits in trading settings.

Trading Power

The trading power is a function of cash (C) and the associated risk market value of active buy orders (ORMV), position collateral value (PCV) and the associated credit limit (CL), the risk market values of positions (PRMV), and finally, the potential position penalty (PPP). Each of these components are given a numerical value, and TP is then calculated according to: TP = C-ORMV+ min(PCV,CL) +PRMV-PPP

The order validation rule is that if a new order will not cause TP<0 the order is permitted. The trading power value is recalculated periodically (by default once a minute), both with reference to positions and outstanding active and offline orders. Should TP at any time be less than 0 (zero), a warning indicating the current TP value and the portfolio name in question will be given. TP is also recalculated every time a new order is entered for a portfolio, for which order validation is activated.

Defining Baskets

The program has a separate Basket Trading module where you either can define orders manually and send them in the market as a basket or you can import one or several orders from Clipboard/Excel. The Basket Trading window enables you t set default conditions or specify condition for each order. Read more

Slicing of Orders (Parent & Childs)

The program supports Parent and Child orders where you can either split an order on to different accounts or to different brokers.

Trading Algorithms

The program has been developed to support trading on different algorithms provided by brokers. Read more.

Smart Orders

Some trading providers also support automatic trading a company on multiple exchanges, so called Smart Orders.

Export of data

All data in the Trading window can be exported to text, html, excel etc.

Settings & Preferences

You can easily defined your preferred settings and preferences under the Trading settings

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