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How to open


Select Tools, Advanced Settings from the main menu.




Default volume - Set the default board lots you wish to see in the order entry window. (A board lot is a standardized number of shares defined by a stock exchange as a trading unit).

Default valid - The number of days an order should be valid for.

Default order type - When opening an order entry window, this setting allows you to specify the default order type.


Default portfolio - Useful if you have access to more than one portfolio.

Default active - Orders can be sent as active or inactive to your trading service.

Default comment - Some trading services allow for comments to be sent. Use Default comment if you would like to include information in a comment by default.

Default broker -

Custom volume increment - The volume field of an order entry window can be made to increase or decrease by a certain amount when clicking on the up and down arrows or using the up and down arrows on your keyboard.




Limit per order - set the currency value per order as a limit. If you exceed the limit per order, the gross price field will highlight in a red color and you will receive a warning.


Limit per day - As with the limit per order, you can also specify a currency value limit per day. You will also receive a warning.



Trading Alerts


Confirm order request - If this is ticked, then you will be asked to confirm before the order is placed.


Fat finger alert - Specify how far away from the current bid/ask spread the price you enter should be before it triggers a warning. This is useful to safeguard against typing in extra numbers by accident. In the example below, the user typed in 2000 instead of 200 as the price.


Price threshold warning -

Short sell warning - Checks the volume of long positions in your portfolio for an instrument you are selling and warns you if you are selling more than you own.

Confirm order executed - Get a confirmation when the trading service confirms your order as executed.

Internal order warning -

Board lot warning -

Tick size warning - Warns you when the price you enter violates tick size rules of the exchange or market place.


Show alert on incoming care orders - Get an alert if a care order has been received from the trading service.

Multibroker warning -


New order window


Allow multiple windows - By default only one is shown in the terminal.

Fixed position -

Keep open - When an order has been placed, the default is to close the new order window. Use this setting to keep the new order window open.

Set background color for buy/sell - When placing a buy or sell order via the right-click menu or via keyboard shortcuts, the background color of the new order window will be colored green for buy orders and red for sell orders.

Shows advanced fields - When opening a new order window, defines whether the advanced fields should be shown immediately or hidden until you click on Adv.

Auto-expand advanced fields - If shows advanced fields is turned off, tabbing with your keyboard through the new order window will make the advanced fields show up automatically after gross price.

Enable gross price field - The gross price field is displayed in an order entry window. This option switches on the ability to type in your own gross price. If you have also entered a price, then the closest volume corresponding to the gross price will be calculated for you. In the example below a price of 347 and gross price of 100,000 was entered. The terminal then calculated a volume of 288 automatically.


Allow partial parent orders -

Do not re-size linked order windows - in a compact workspace, it may be desirable to not re-size the new order window when changing instruments.

Hit orderbook, join orderbook - When opening an new order window buy clicking BUY (or SELL)

Hit orderbook will place the price at the best ask price (best bid price for SELL orders)
Join orderbook will place the price as the best bid price (best ask price for SELL orders)

Price Tick Size Factor - Only available for FX RFQ trading - When increasing or decreasing the price of a new order with the up and down arrows, will multiply by a factor of X with the tick size rules. Example: If the factor is set to 3, and the tick size is 0.0001, then clicking up the up arrow on the price field will increase the price by 0.0003.

Buy/Sell button - When opening a new order window by clicking on BUY or SELL from a right click menu or using keyboard shortcuts. This setting defines the behaviour of the BUY and SELL buttons.

Normal - Both buy and sell buttons show up and function as normal
Make default - The BUY or SELL button (depending on what you choose) will be highlighted and pressing ENTER on your keyboard will cause the order to be placed.
Disable other - Will show you but not allow you to click on the SELL button if you have chosen to BUY from the right-click menu or keyboard shortcuts. (disabled the buy button if you have chosen to sell)
Hide other - If you have chosen BUY from the right-click menu or keyboard shortcuts, the SELL button will be hidden (hides the buy button if you have chosen sell)

Hit on volume -

in orderbook -
in new order -

Hit as order type -


Trading Window

The trading window is where you can see all orders, trades and your portfolio positions.


Allow multiple windows - Default is to only show one.

Keep deleted orders - If selected, then deleted orders will also be shown in the orders tab.

Column filtering - Allows the user to filter orders based on various criteria. Below is an example where it is possible to choose to only show portfolio positions in a particular currency.


Show column filter -

Show historic trades and orders -

Allow inline modification of order - Allows the user to edit an order's price or volume by clicking in the field (orders tab) without having to open an modify order window.


Show fractional prices - For some markets, the convention is to use fractions instead of decimals.

Show Turn Orders buttons - For active orders, this feature allows you to change a buy order to a market sell order (Turns sell orders to market buy orders). These buttons show up in the orders tab.

Show multiple delete buttons - If this feature is off, then only one delete button is shown. Select the order and delete it. If it is turned on, three extra options are available: "Delete Buy", "Delete Sell", "Delete All".


Blink for new orders - New orders placed will blink in the orders tab

Blink for new partially filled orders - Partially filled orders placed will blink in the orders tab

Automatically refresh portfolio - When an order is placed or executed, check for updates to the portfolio.


Request market data - The terminal will request the market data even if the user has not opened the market in their workspace. Switch this off for a small performance boost if you have a very large portfolio
Live market data -
Support order VWAP column -



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