What's New in 6.2

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Cloud lists

The lists you create, in Custom lists, are now automatically stored in the cloud and therefore available in all you Infront devices. That means that you can edit your lists on your phone and see the updated list in your Infront terminal. The named lists are auto-saved in the different devices so no need to remember to click "Save".



The lists in the Market window are also automatically saved and synched between Infront terminals (but not synched with Mobiles).





Light Theme

For users who need to have light content colors a light theme is now available. Go to Preferences, User Interface, General, Content Colors to change between Default colors and Light colors.




Equity Analytics improvements

Get easy access to the Stock Screener in the main menu (Infront Plus only).


In the stock screener you can search for Companies using the extensive Infinancials search criteria. Select Edit&Save in the search result.


Click the pencil icon to give the list a name and click the Infront export icon.


The list is opened in a Custom list window so you can follow real-time prices, news and other



Fund search and Fund Overview improvements

You can now screen funds on several new criteria. Find all the funds managed by a particular portfolio manager or all the funds that pay out underlying dividends.

You can also find funds containing specific holdings, if you for example are looking for a fond invested in Daimler and Banco Santander:





Fund overview pages are now improved with introduction of Exposure tab. It contains breakdown and exposure information on equity and debt the fund is invested in – credit rating and maturity breakdown as well as a debt style map are now available.





Bond search and Bond Overview improvements

The bond yield/price calculator is now improved and calculates these additional values:

-Spread for life for floating debt instruments
-Year fraction
-Government spread to a benchmark bond
-Swap spread to a swap curve





Yield, swap spreads and government spreads are now calculated on a market level and by adding the columns you can see the values in the market window.



You can now create a spread to maturity point chart including your chosen debt instruments with one click. Mark symbols, right-click, chart, Spread to maturity. Click Compare in the chart to choose between charting yield, swap or government spreads.



Click Trading improvements

Click trading in 6.2 brings new features and enhancements to the click trading window.


You can now specify open volume.

Quickly turn your orders –  switching a buy order to a sell order - by clicking the Turn Buy or Turn Sell button.

A new mode called Center View keeps the last trade price in the middle of the ladder.

The  scrolling speed in the auto scrolling view, which is active when Centre View is not activated, is also increased to make it easier to follow even the most volatile instruments.



Consolidated View

In the Click trading window you may now also bring up a consolidated view for instruments trading on multiple Venues. Go to the Click Trading setup and tick the box “Consolidated View”.

Should there be any venues which you do not want to have displayed in the consolidated view you can simply right-click and select the Option “Exclude”.



Decide for yourself which buttons to display in the Click trading window making your selection under "Visual controls" in the Click trading Setup.






Today's low/high market window.

If the Last value is today's lowest or highest this is marked with red/green background color in the cell.



Calendar revised numbers

Macro events in the Calendar will show  an asterisk (*) next to the Previous number if the number has been revised. Hold the mouse over to see the previous number before the revision.





Other improvements

Search for yield curves in Ctrl+F in Tool bar:



Press Enter and type in Country name.



Mouse-click or press Enter to select a country to view the yield curve.



New compare chart type:

The new "Compare chart relative to (one axis)" draws both lines on same axis even though the study is relative.






Save Workspace button next to Desktop tabs for easier access to the save functionality:



Optimized speed:

For the active trader there is now a new section where the tips for configuring your terminal for best performance are listed.

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