Account Setup

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Select Tools, Advanced Settings from the main menu.


Account setup

The Account setup dialogue consists of four subcategories:


In addition to the username and password from the settings window, it is possible to enter IP Address and Port information.

There are only a few special cases, where the IP Address field may need to be changed. Client services may guide a .


These settings are for advanced users. Consult your network administrator if possible.

Automatic Configuration

This is used if your network administrator supplies an automatic configuration script (with proxy information, usually .pac files or similar).

Proxy Settings

More information about proxy settings

Firewall Login

Add your user name and password if you use a local firewall that requires a login for outbound connections.


Specifies where various data from the terminal should be stored. The folders must be unique, and the defaults are usually sufficient for most users.


Twitter login details and Twitter Proxy settings.

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