Icelandic Bonds Calculator

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How to open

Open "Nasdaq Iceland SE, Bonds" from the main menu or search as a market window.


- The Icelandic bonds calculator can be opened by right-clicking on a bond and choosing Other > Bond Calculator.


- The calculator will automatically calculate all values for the selected symbol when opened.

- If one or more edit fields are marked with a red dot, the input value is wrong. In that case it must be manually set.

- When all input values are correct, it will calculate:

 Yield to maturity (YTM) in %

 Dirty price: the value of a bond, exclusive of any commissions or fees

 Quote price (if dirty price or yield are set as input value)

 Duration: measures the sensitivity of the asset's price to interest rate movements, expressed  as a number of years

 Accrued interest: the interest that has accumulated since the principal investment, or since the previous interest payment if there has been one already

 Index adjustment: current principle adjusted with current cpi or cti

 Principle with interest: the sum of current principle, accrued interest and the Index adjustment

 Discount: value issued for less than its par (or face) value

 Sales price

 Base point value: how much the value of the bond changes when the interest rate (yield) changes by one base point (0.01 percent).


- Changing an input value will automatically execute a recalculation

- The Reset button will set all input values back to feed snapshot values

- All input values should be received from server

The input values are as follows:

 Category: what list the bond belongs to

 Issue date

 Settlement date

 Maturity date

 Coupon rate

 Coupons per year

 Day count rule

 Compounding: yearly or flat interest


 Indexation type: if to index adjust values for the selected bond

         CPI: Consumer Price Index

         CTI: Credit Terms Index


         None: both input values will be set to 100, ie no adjustment

 Index: the current indexation value

 Index at issue date

 Amortization type: the type of gradual payment

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