Correlation Matrix |
The Correlation Matrix window displays the cross correlation among multiple instruments. Time FrameTime series length. Options: All, last year to date (LYTD), year to date (YTD), and 1 to 5 years. MatrixThe Matrix displays the cross-correlation across instruments as in “Pearson Correlation Coefficient”. The coefficient displayed in the Matrix corresponds to the entire sample given the Time Frame selected in the window caption. Selecting a coefficientEach coefficient on the Matrix can be selected. A single click will display a rolling coefficient, while a double click will display a comparison chart for the selected timeframe.
Rolling correlationWhen a coefficient is selected, i.e. Rho(Instrument A, Instrument B), a chart with a rolling coefficient will appear in the lower panel. The user can modify the size of the rolling window changing the number of “Correlation window”. |