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RTD Cell referencing

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One benefit of RTD links, is that it is like any other function in Excel. This means that RTD links support referencing to other cells (as can be seen in the section “How do I export data to Excel?).


An RTD formula consists of the following elements:


=RTD("ontrade.quotes","",feed code,symbol ticker,field name)


ontrade.quotes        Infront's terminal application name for the quotes module.

feed code                The cell which contains the market feed code

symbol ticker                The cell which contains the ticker symbol

field name                The cell that contains the name of the field data to display


With the following formula (cell B13) to get the Last price for an instrument:



Cell B6

feed code

Cell B9 (LSE)

symbol ticker        

Cell C9 (AAL)

field name

Cell D9 (last)



RTD-Cell referencing