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The program includes a window for derivatives that structures and presents the data in a certain view.


How to open the Derivatives Window


Select File > New > Derivatives window.




Orc Software Derivatives feeds (e.g Eurex, EuroNext Liffe, OMX)

Access to Advanced Derivatives functionality package


What is the Derivatives Window


The derivatives window consists of the following tabs:



Spread Matrix





Spread Matrix


Calculate implied values for combo derivatives


Mostly used in the new Derivatives window, we now dynamically calculate the implied values for combination symbols. Each combination symbol has a number of leg symbols and volumes associated with it. The program now calculates implied Bid, Ask, BidSize and AskSize from the streaming quotes of the legs. In addition there are Best Bid/Ask/BidSize/AskSize columns that show the ”best” of the actual combo instrument prices and the implied prices from the legs.