Alert Monitor & Alerts

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There are several windows that make up the collection for add/edit and monitoring alerts. Earlier operational and exchange alerts were displayed in the Communication Status window in the log page, quote alerts in the Alerts window and so on. From version 5, all triggered alerts are displayed in the My Alert Monitor window. The log pages in other windows are removed.

My Alert Monitor

This is the main log window for all kinds of alerts. This window will not pop up if an alert is added in the log, it must be opened manually. There can be several log windows opened at the same time, and it will be saved along with the other windows in the workspace.

How to access

Select File | New, My Alert Monitor or

On the main toolbar, click on More | My Alert Monitor or

In the Quote Alert Setup window, click on the My Alert Monitor button on the toolbar

General description

The My Alert Monitor log window will keep all alerts as long as the application runs. If the application is closed down, all alerts will be removed and the log window will be empty the next time the application starts. Some of the alerts have a double click action which can be configured in the Preferences dialog under Alerts. Default double click action for news alerts will be to open the news item in the story window. Quote alerts can be configured to show the orderbook, show trades in the overview window or show the symbol overview. Right click on a quote alert in the log to open the symbol context menu.

Alert Notification

This is an intrusive alert log window which will open and display important alerts. There is only one Alert Notification window in the application, and it will not be stored in the workspace. Once the Alert Notification window is closed, all logged alerts will be removed. The alerts will also be displayed in the My Alert Monitor window for later reference.

Alert popup

This is a small popup window that will display the alert in the bottom right corner of your screen. This popup window will also be displayed if you are currently working in another program where it's window covers this application. The popup window will fade out after a timeout period. How long the popup is displayed can be configured in the Preferences dialog under Alerts (show notification window for).

Quote Alert Setup

The Alert Monitor gives you access to all alerts you have defined for symbols in the same window. You can set up as many alerts as you want.

How to access

Select Tools | Alert Monitor in the main menu, or

Right-click on a symbol in the Market Window or Composite Window to add an alert directly from the symbol

General description

The window all registered symbol alerts with the different conditions defined for each alert. The columns in the Alerts list are sortable. You are not required to keep a market or composite window open with the symbols you have alerts on - they are subscribed to automatically. When an alert trigger you have the option to delete an alert and to have a notification window shown above the Windows task bar for a number of seconds.

Add alert

The Add button enables the New Alert dialog where you can specify the Symbol, Market and the condition for the alert. You can add a Comment and define the Alert Action.

After the alert has been triggered you can either:

Focus the application (if you have other programs running on your PC the alert will be on top)

Show this dialog

Show the Alert log

Disable the alert, or

Delete the alert

You can define for how long the alert is going to be displayed under Show Notification Window for XX seconds

Your can define a sound for the alert on your PC (in the ontrade folder there are some pre-installed alerts)

At the bottom left corner you can set the alert as Active or make it inactive

Edit Alert

The Edit alert button enables you to edit an already defined alert.

Clear Hit Count

The clear hit count will set the counter to zero for the alerts defined.

Delete Alert

The delete alert button enables you to delete an already defined alert.

News alerts

It is possible to define a list of a news alerts for a news window. Note that the alerts belong to a specific window (and the window defines the news sources the alerts apply to), and they are saved with the window in the workspace.

Press the "Alerts..." button on the toolbar (or right-click and select "Alerts..."). This will open the News Alerts list for the window. Using the buttons on the toolbar, you can add any number of alerts, edit existing alerts or delete alerts you no longer need.

Press Add to add a new alert. If the News window has multiple news sources, you can select if the Alerts should apply to all of them or just one of them.

The conditions of the alerts are the same as the conditions of the Filter logic defined above.

When the alert triggers, you can define the alert action:

Open story window: Automatically open a window containing the news item that triggered the alert. Be careful not to use this on alerts that trigger too often.

Play a sound: Play a sound (a .WAV file) when the alert triggers


Note that the alerts apply to the news feeds configured for a specific window and will be saved with the workspace

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