SME Direkt Level 2: Details

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SME Direkt Level 2 provides a deeper level of fundamental data on Nordic companies with results, estimates and recommendations. It contains several years of historical results and future estimates in both yearly and quarterly resolutions. It allows drill-down into statistical details per company and visual presentation of historical trends.


Subscription to an SME Direkt Level 2 package

How to access

Double-click a company in the SME Direkt Consensus Estimates list
Right | click on a company or symbol and select Fundamentals | SME Direkt Details

SME Direkt Details window

This window has the following views:

Yearly view (default)
Displays actual / estimated values and NRI for a range of years. Note that empty columns are automatically removed.
Quarterly view
Shows actual / estimated values and NRI for the selected year.
Compare quarters view
Shows actual and estimated numbers for the current focus quarter compared with previous year.


Double-click in the list to drill down and open a Details window for the selected company. Here you can also select different layouts and override the default focus year. The default shows average key ratios, growth and margins.

Drill down data

You can also expand key ratio nodes to see the following statistical values:

       Growth Period (shown in quarterly views)
Growth Year
Standard Dev.
Count Up
Count Unchanged
Count Down
Change Period
Change Year


RTD links

Copying of RTD links is supported.

Cell notes

Cells that have notes attached show a triangular red indicator in the upper right hand corner. You can move the mouse over the cell to display the note in a hint window.

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