Multi Broker

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How to setup the Multi broker access in Infront


The first step is to setup the access to the brokers you want to execute with. This is done under the menu option Master Credentials.

Here, by pressing Add you can select what broker you want to add. You will then be prompted to enter your user name and password for that specific broker.

After that has been done, you need to add a name & password for the multi broker logon.

Then, hit Save.


In the menu Tools – Trading you will now have a new service appearing on the top of that list

Clicking on that one will prompt you to enter your password, the same password which was just created.

This service can now replace your previous trading logins.



If multiple accounts/portfolios with one or several brokers are available,  you can now create Virtual Accounts by pressing here:


First, the Virtual Account needs to be named


The next window defines what broker accounts should be made available in the Virtual Account.



We now have a new selection in the Portfolio drop down, namely the Virtual Account we just created.

This selection will display ALL orders placed on the specific brokers accounts which we tagged to our Virtual Account, Account1

The column Executing Broker displays on which broker each order is placed.




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