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Shows price movements (usually trades) and information regarding the trades such as market place, buyer ID and seller ID.

To filter a trades list for specific volumes, prices, buyers, sellers, market codes and more; see Filtering



The Trades tab displays today's trades and includes different columns. Some markets can display trades with millisecond accuracy. Simply widen the time field to see if milliseconds are available.


Trade types

The exchanges use their own codes to indicate what type of trade was executed. Below are some examples from popular exchanges.

These are correct as of January 2017, but please be aware that the exchange may change the codes or change their definitions. Contact the exchanges directly for more information.


New York Stock Exchange (Tape A), Equities

IMSW - Intermarket Sweep Order

CASH - Cash Trade (Same Day Clearing)

AUTO - Automatic Execution

IDET - Intraday trade detail

CAP - CAP Election trade

LATE - Sold Last (Late Reporting)

PREF - Prior reference price

MCOO - Market Center Official Open

SOLD - Sold (out of sequence)

MRCT - Market center re-opening trade

MCCT - Market center closing trade


Nasdaq New Markets, Equities

A - Acquisition

B - Bunched Trade

C - Cash Trade

D - Distribution

E - Placeholder for future use

F - Intermarket Sweep

G - Bunched Sold Trades

H - Price Variation Trade

K - Rule 155 Trade (AMEX)

L - Sold Last

M - Market Center Close Price

N - Next Day

O - Opened

P - Prior Reference Price

Q - Market Center Open Price

R - Seller

T - Pre-Open and Post-Close Market Trade

U - Extended Trading Hours/Sold out of Sequence

V - Stock-Option Trade

W - Average Price Trade

X - Cross Trade

Y - Yellow Flag

Z - Sold (Out of Sequence)

0 -  Odd lot execution

1 - Stopped Stock- Regular Trade

2 - Stopped Stock - Sold Last

3 - Stopped Stock - Sold (Out of Sequence)

4 - Derivatively Priced

5 - Re-opening Prints

7 - Placeholder for 611 exempt

8 - Placeholder for 611 exempt

9 - Placeholder for 611 exempt


London Stock Exchange, UK Equities

SPEC - Special Trade (Outside spread)

AT - Automatic Trade

UT - Uncrossing Trade

PT - Closing Price Crossing Session Trade

PC - Orderbook contra not same day

IX -  Internal Cross

IB - Internal Block Trade Facility

CX - Committed Cross

CB - Committed Block Trade Facility

O - Ordinary Trade

OK - Ordinary Trade - delayed

NT - Negotiated Trade

NK - Negotiated Trade - delayed

LC - Cancellation of on-Exchange Trade

GC - Cancellation of GILT & UKGT segment trades

NM - Not to Mark

NC - Cancellation of NM Trade

OT - OTC Trade

TK - OTC Trade - delayed

IF - Inter fund cross - delayed

OC - Cancellation of OTC Trade

SI - SI Trade

SK - SI Trade - delayed

SC - Cancellation of SI Trade


Johannesburg Stock Exchange, Equities

BT - Block Trade

OX - Option Exercised

PF - Portfolio Trade

PC - Post Contra Trade (correction of previous day on book  trade)

TX - Traded Option Exercised

WX - Warrant Exercised

BK - Book Build

CF - Corporate Finance Trade

OD - Delta Trade

GU - Give Up

LC - Post  Contra Trade (correction of previous day published off book trade)

NC - Post  Contra Trade (correction of previous day non-published off book trade)

LT - Late Trade (After Hours Trade)

OP - Off Order Book Principal Trade


Nordic Growth Markets

Cncl - Cancel

Last - Sold Last

Out - Outside Spread

OutU - Outside Spread Unknown

KOBB - Knockout buyback Trade

SOBB - Soldout buyback Trade

Dist - Distribution Trade


Trade statistics

The trade statistics section shows accumulated trade values. If no range is selected, the statistics is calculated from all of today's trades.

If you select specific trades in the trades list by highlighting them, the statistics will calculate from the selected trades.


The trade statistics includes the following fields:


Average price of on-floor trades


Average price of all trades


Total volume of the trades


Highest price


Total turnover


Lowest price


Number of trades


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