Broker Statistics

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Broker statistics summarizes all activities for one market, one broker on one symbol either intraday or for a define historical period.

How to access

Select File | New | Broker Statistic and select the market (e.g. Stockholm SE, Stocks)
Right-click on a symbol in the Market Window, Composite window and select Broker Statistics.

Available on the following markets

OMX Nordic Equities
OMX Baltics Equities
Oslo SE, Equities
Toronto SE, Equities
Madrid SE, Equities

Realtime and historical data

The broker statistics module provides you both realtime (intraday) and historical data. To change time period, right click and select Interval. Historical data is available for up to three years.

All Brokers / Single Broker / Single Symbol

You can select between the following views;

All Brokers - statistics for one market where all information about each broker is accumulated

Single Broker - statistics for one broker where all information about the selected broker is accumulated

Single Symbol - statistics for one symbol where all active brokers activity is accumulated


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