Find clusters of volatility and obtain the moments of the return distribution by selecting “Return Histogram” under the “Discover” section on the right click, and the history tab in the Symbol Overview window.
Aggregate price and volume levels in all order books simultaneously. This function works for Orderbook, New Order Window, Click-Trader, and Orderbook Visualizer. To turn on this feature, go to Advanced Settings > Market Data > Orderbook and tick "Support custom tick size". To aggregate orders by level, hold shift and use mouse wheel
Unearth hidden correlations in the markets by selecting multiple instruments, and selecting “Correlation Matrix” under the “Discover” section on the right click.
Observe the distribution of the trades during the day, compare the last price and VWAP with respect to past trades, and even replay the trading across the day to better understand the market dynamics for that instrument. You can find this new feature in the “Symbol Overview” in the “Trades” section.
The Infront Fragmentation Index provides you with a real-time measure of the fragmentation for a particular instrument. You can select between the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, or/and the Infront Fragmentation Index. You can find it under “Trades” in the “Symbol Overview”. For more details on our methodology click here
See the venues’ market share and the categories of the trades at each market place with maximum granularity.
With the new Orderbook Visualizer, you are able to discover market dynamics in a graphical way, in real-time.
You can find the Orderbook Visualizer on the right-click menu, under “Discover”.
Whether you are looking into commodities, or cyclical stocks, a Seasonality Matrix is a great tool to discover patterns that can lead to your next successful trade.
Right-click on the instrument you want to explore, and find “Seasonality Matrix” under the “Discover” menu.
Now you can chart technical analyses over technicals. When you add a new study, you can select whether you want to apply it over the original time series, or the one derived from another technical analysis.
Export historic values linked to a date value in a given cell in Excel
New versions are automatically downloaded and installed
The new Company Desktop introduces a comprehensive company overview covering
The improved Company overview provides links to Estimates, Financial statements together with insiders and Short positions
Higher resolution and new features
We now have support for accessing the Symphony messaging service from the terminal.
In order to access it you need the following access in web admin: Infront - Symphony Chat Client (Public,
The Symphony secure messaging can be accessed in the Infront terminal directly from the main menu or simply by just start typing Symphony in the search field:
All windows and other interesting observations made and found in an Infront terminal can be shared with your Symphony contacts by using the seamless Share to Chat feature which can be found in the tool bar menu on all windows in the terminal.
That function will immediately share a URL together with a cash tag and last change in % if the market is open for trading.
If the user on the receiving end has the Infront Terminal installed, hitting that link will open up the shared window in his Infront terminal. If the receiver is not an infront user he will be taken to the website shown below which lets him view the shared window and also sign up for a free trial of Infront.
It is also possible to share a cashtag like $ERICB from a Symphony chat window to the Infront terminal by highlighting the cashtag and drag & drop it into the Infront terminal which then opens up a detailed company overview of that specific instrument, displayed in the image below.
The Mail to Support shortcut has been made easier to find in the Main Menu.
And the Mail to support dialog has been simplified:
Just like you can share a window, it is now possible to share all the windows in a desktop. Just right-click the Desktop page and select Share Desktop.
The New Order command from the Orders page of the Trading window now uses normal symbol search.
New incoming trades in Trading window are now shown with a blinking color.
Until now the terminal has used an embedded version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer in the Browser window. Now a Chromium-based embedded browser can be used instead (Chromium is based on the same technology as the Google Chrome external browser).
For now only selected web-based services will use Chromium. Over time more services and the Display | Browser command will be certified and moved to Chromium.
Pivot Points is a new technical study found in the Technical menu options in Chart windows.
A pivot point is a technical analysis indicator used to determine the overall trend of the market over different time frames.
The pivot point itself is simply the average of the high, low and closing prices from the previous trading day. On the subsequent day, trading above the pivot point is thought to indicate ongoing bullish sentiment, while trading below the pivot point indicates bearish sentiment.
These new studies are available in intraday charts and show horizontal lines for the previous day's High, Low, Open and Close prices, respectively.
Note: A special access is needed to enable this
The external web-service commands available in the Analyze menu are now also searchable from the Ctrl+F field
The filtering available in the Symbol Trades view has been made smarter with regards to default logic for the Auctions and Lit market filters
The terminal now supports trading logins using BankID for mobile credentials (depends on trading server support)
A lot of optimization has been done to improve performance in the terminal.
Algorithms scan through all real-time feeds in your workspace. Out of the ordinary price movements and events are displayed in the Signals widget located at the top of the toolbar.
Clicking on the widget shows a drop-down with the five most interesting movements and events. Hovering over any of the instruments will display a chart highlighting which events are interesting.
Create your own signals widgets based off of your own custom lists (or chains) by clicking on the Create Signals Widget button in the custom list (or chain) toolbar.
Right-clicking on any created chain or custom list widget will allow you to change settings related to the widget.
This feature is only available in Infront Plus
New columns available in Custom List and market windows with graphical hi/lo indicators and percent change columns with bars. In Custom List there is also a new 2 day chart column.
The columns can be added for different time periods in the Select Columns dialogue
Holding your mouse over the symbol or description columns now show more information regarding the instrument including VWAP, price change today and a 2 day chart
If you have access to Infront Analytics, two new options are available from right click:Company Analytics; Quick GPRV and Quick Estimates
Choose the estimates you want to see from the drop-down. Recommendations and target price are always available.
Choose between International, Regional and Domestic peers lists in order to quickly compare scores. Click on the ratios around the GPRV chart to change which scores to compare
This feature is only available in Infront Plus
Clicking on the alerts icon brings a drop-down menu showing you recently triggered alerts, and also historical alerts which have been triggered.
Charts are in general much faster now. Chart performance settings are easily available from the "Global Chart Settings" menu option
Set your own watermarks (background text) in the chart
Choose whether to display the ticker symbol or description in the chart
Desktop builder allows you to open predefined desktops with carefully crafted layouts designed to give the best overview of a given market. Once you have chosen a desktop, you can also choose which geographical location you wish to open (when relevant).
New columns are available for adding to your custom lists and market windows