Market Window

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The Market Window is one of the main ways to see a list of streaming quotes in addition to Custom lists and Market Pages.

How to open from the main menu

Choose "Market" from the main menu, then in the "Select Market" window, browse through the different regions or simply begin typing to filter the list.

In the example below, the user has started typing "fra", so the list starts getting filtered only showing relevant results.


How to open using search

Type "Market" in search and press enter on the keyboard. Then type the name of a market you are looking for


The market window

The market window displays a number of tabs depending on which market you are looking at.


All Quotes

All information is updated continuously and changes in prices are highlighted.

Some markets may have many thousands of symbols available. If this is the case, the terminal will not show All Quotes and instead default to the Chains tab.

Symbol information - In order to get more information about a symbol, right-click on any row and choose an option from the right-click menu.

Keyboard search - With the window selected, begin typing on your keyboard in order to search within the list. Once you press ENTER on your keyboard, the symbol will be displayed on the top of the Market window. See "User Interface" to configure what should happen when you search in this window.

Select Columns - If you would like to add, change or remove any of the data shown in a market window, custom list, or chain, right-click on a header and click "Select Columns".

Sorting Columns - Sort by turnover, last price or any other column by double-clicking on the column headers. The list will automatically keep itself sorted.


The indices tab has the same features as the All Quotes tab but only displays indices for the selected market.


The chains tab offers a selection of market lists usually containing a specific segment, category or constituents belonging to the market. Read more.


The list tab in a market window only displays the symbols you have added manually from the all quotes, indices or chains tab. This is done by right-clicking on a symbol and selecting Edit | Add to List.

By default all symbols added to the list tab in market windows are automatically saved when the application closes.


Add custom headlines

Custom headlines can be added by selecting Other > Add Headline from the right click menu.


Notice that in a list with headlines, sorting by clicking on the column captions have been disabled. You can move symbols up or down your list by selecting it, and using the up and down arrows in the interface.


Highlighting and modifying a symbol

Custom Background color - Change background color for a symbol by selecting Other > Symbol color from the right click menu.


To remove a custom background color, right-click on the symbol and select Other | Clear Symbol color.

Custom Symbol Description - Enter a customized description for a symbol by selecting Other | Custom Symbol description from the right click menu. In the example below, we entered a custom description, changing "EASYJET PLC ORD 27 2/7P" to "Airline Easy Jet"


The custom description will also be used by other windows in Infront terminal, such as charts.


Note: To reduce potential confusion all custom descriptions begin with an asterisk (*).

To remove a custom description, right click on the symbol and choose Other > Clear Custom Description.


The Raking tab displays today's winners, losers and highest turnover. Select whether the ranking should be based on "all quotes", "chains" or "list" by choosing the source.


Overview provides a graphic view of the selected market, the main market index, percent of shares traded (calculated using market capitalization) and number of symbols up/down.

All Brokers

Some market places provide information as to which counterparties were part of a buy and sell transaction. When this is the case, All Brokers is available as a tab in the Market window.

Read more about Broker Statistics.

Single Broker

Some market places provide information as to which counterparties were part of a buy and sell transaction. When this is the case, Single Broker is available as a tab in the Market window.

Choose a broker from the "Select Broker" drop-down to see which symbols the broker has been placing trades in. Read more about Broker Statistics.

Put / Call

The Put / Call tab is only available for some derivatives markets (in particular warrants and options).

Read more about the Put/Call.

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