My Profile Credit Card payment

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Pay by credit card for additional services

The Visa and Mastercard icons indicate that you have access to payment by credit card. Select the services you want to add and click "Checkout".

My Profile New Services Credit card

On the next step you accept the credit card agreement which states that monthly recurring charges will be made to your credit card once you start the subscription and that you can cancel the subscription at any time and that no refunds are made once the recurring payment for that month has been processed.

The next step informs you of all recurring monthly costs:

My Profile Credit card recurring cost

After you have entered your credit card details on the Payex page you will be taken back to My Profile where you are informed that you may need to restart the terminal.

Remember: You can, at any time, cancel subscriptions on the Subscriptions page in My Profile. The access expires at the end of the period paid for.

My Profile Credit card cancel subscription

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