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By default all trades are displayed for the selected symbol. To set a filter on the what trades to display, right-click in the window while on the trades tab, and select "Show Filter".



In the above example a volume between 100-500 was selected, and Buyer ID or Seller ID was set to DDB. The trades list is then only displaying trades which meet the criteria.

Min and Max Volume - Set a minimum and maximum volume for trades which should be shown in the trades list.

Buyer, Seller and Buyer or Seller - Use Broker IDs (only some exchanges send out this infomration) to filter out buyers and sellers.

Trade type -  Filter to only show specific trade types. To filter more than one trade type use a comma. "STND,HID".

Auctions - For markets with opening, closing and/or mid-day auctions. Filter to only show trades placed during an auction period.

Internal trades - Display trades where the buyer id and the seller id are the same. The filter can be set to only show internal trades, or to exclude them from the list

Start time and End time - Set the time period for trades which should be shown in the trades list.

Lit market - Filter between lit and non-lit trades. Example below.


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