Funds Screener

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Funds search allows screening and searching the vast funds universe available in Infront terminal.


Free text search functionality screens all the available data to map the result to the criteria typed by the user

Available for sale in - allows to screen the funds that are available for sale in a certain country

Main currency - base currency of the fund

Category - Morningstar fund category

Regions invested - allows screening funds invested in a particular geographical area

Fund type - fund type by the asset class

Issuer - issuer name

Fund style (style map) - Morningstar equity fund style map

Risk Level - Synthetic risk reward indicator

Portfolio manager

Dividends Distribution

Holdings - find funds containing specific holdings. In example above: BT and Orange.

Morninstar rating - official Morningstar rating used as an indication of the fund's performance in comparison to the other funds in the category.

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