SME Direkt Level 1

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SME Direkt Level 1 provides fundamental data on Nordic companies with results, estimates and recommendations.

Data content included per company the in SME Direkt Level 1 package:

Net Sales
Gross Profit
Pretax Result
Net Profit
EPS (Earnings per share)
DPS (Dividends per share)
P/E (Price / Earnings)
Yield Percent
Last year’s reported result
Next year’s estimated numbers (median)


Subscription to an SME Direkt package

How to access

In an SME Direkt Consensus Estimates section the Details page of the Symbol Window
As columns in the Market and Composite windows
As DDE or RTD links

SME Direkt Consensus Estimates section

The SME Direkt Consensus Estimates is included as a section in the Details page of the Symbol Window.


Each line in the grid shows last year’s result (or actual), next year’s estimated, nominal change and percentage change for each of the available key figures. The last column shows the percentage change graphically. This gives a quick overview of the expected changes in the coming year.

The date in the upper left corner of the grid shows the date the estimates was last updated. Note that all key figures may not be available (or applicable) to all companies.

Currency conversions
For some results and estimates, the currency of the original values differ from the stock's trading currency. In these cases, the application will convert the values back to the trading currency, using historical currency rates (from the fiscal year end or estimated date). The currency crosses and rates used are then displayed above the other key figures.

The currency cross values used are the closing value from a historical date. For actual results, the date is the end of fiscal year date (say December 31st 2008). For estimated values, the date is the date of the estimation update (say June 12th 2009).

Recommendation bar

At the bottom of the section is a graphical representation of the recommendations from the analysts. It shows up to 5 different level of recommendations: Strong buy, Buy, Hold, Sell and Strong Sell. Each level is color-coded with shades of green for buy, yellow for hold and shades of orange and red for sell.

The number of votes in each category is shown and the width of the color bar is relative to the total number of votes. The middle of the recommendation bar is indicated with a small black arrow and indicates the balance point or average recommendation value. The same value is shown numerically in the label to the left of the bar. The average recommendation value range is from 0 (Strong sell), via 2 (a neutral Hold) to 4 (Strong Buy).

Hover the mouse over the recommendation bar to see the date of the recommendations and full descriptions of all values.

Hints with more detailed information

If you hover the mouse over the value columns, additional information will be shown for that value.



List of SME Direkt columns

The following is a sorted list of all available SME Direkt columns included in the Level 1 package.


Actual Currency Cross
Actual Currency Rate
Actual Date
Actual DPS (Dividend Per Share)
Actual EBIT (Earnings before interest and taxes)
Actual EBITA (Earnings before interest, tax and amortization)
Actual EBITDA (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization)
Actual EPS (Earnings Per Share)
Actual Gross Profit
Actual Net Profit
Actual Net Sales
Actual Original Currency
Actual P/E (Price/Earnings Ratio)
Actual Pretax Result
Actual Yield% (100 * DPS / Last)
Change in DPS (Dividend Per Share)
Change in EBIT (Earnings before interest and taxes)
Change in EBITA (Earnings before interest, tax and amortization)
Change in EBITDA (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization)
Change in EPS (Earnings Per Share)
Change in Gross Profit
Change in Net Profit
Change in Net Sales
Change in P/E (Price/Earnings Ratio)
Change in Pretax Result
Change in Yield% (100 * DPS / Last)
Estimated Currency Cross
Estimated Currency Rate
Estimated Date
Estimated DPS (Dividend Per Share)
Estimated EBIT (Earnings before interest and taxes)
Estimated EBITA (Earnings before interest, tax and amortization)
Estimated EBITDA (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization)
Estimated EPS (Earnings Per Share)
Estimated Gross Profit
Estimated Net Profit
Estimated Net Sales
Estimated Original Currency
Estimated P/E (Price/Earnings Ratio)
Estimated Pretax Result
Estimated Yield% (100 * DPS / Last)
Percentage change in DPS (Dividend Per Share)
Percentage change in EBIT (Earnings before interest and taxes)
Percentage change in EBITA (Earnings before interest, tax and amortization)
Percentage change in EBITDA (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization)
Percentage change in EPS (Earnings Per Share)
Percentage change in Gross Profit
Percentage change in Net Profit
Percentage change in Net Sales
Percentage change in P/E (Price/Earnings Ratio)
Percentage change in Pretax Result
Percentage change in Yield% (100 * DPS / Last)
Recommendations Average score
Recommendations Buy
Recommendations Date
Recommendations Hold
Recommendations Sell
Recommendations Strong buy
Recommendations Strong sell
Recommendations Total


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