Motion Detector |
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Getting Started with Motion Detector
You can now preview Infront's Motion Detector technology. This is a set of tools that gives you faster alerts when something happens in the markets. Large workspaces with hundreds of instruments updating every second becomes easier to monitor when the terminal tells you of extraordinary motions.
To get started, check "Enable Motion Detector" under Menu à Tools à Preferences à User Interface à Motion Detector and restart your terminal.
Motion Detector WidgetThe first thing you will notice is a new Motion Detector Widget on the toolbar. This is a generic widget displaying at any time the 5 most interesting instruments from your workspace. The widget scrolls through the 5 instruments replacing them when a new instrument becomes more interesting.
You can turn this widget on/off from the right-click menu.
Motion Chain-widgetAdd a chain-widget: From a market window or custom list, go to the chain tab, click on the "Create Motion Widget" button the toolbar. This creates a new Motion Detector Widget, displaying only the most interesting instruments from your chosen chain.
How are interesting motions detected?The criteria used for detecting motion are several types of calculations based around:
FlashThe flash-symbol on the right side of the main toolbar will highlight the 3 most interesting instruments displayed on your screen, based on the same criteria as in the widget described above.
Bubble chartYou can also test out the Motion Detector Bubble Chart found under Main Menu à Discover à Motion Detector.
New columnsMore advanced users will also find that there are new columns you can add to the Market Window to monitor or sort your instrument list based on: