Broker Statistics - All Brokers

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This view shows accumulated data for all the brokers active on one specific market. By double clicking on one of the brokers, you are moved to the Single Broker folder for accumulated data for a specific brokerage.

How to access

Select New | Broker Statistics, select the Market and go to the first tab "All Brokers"
Click More | Broker Statistics


In the table view, each broker is represented with number of trades executed, turnover and more.


Available columns

S (Checkbox for Timeline Selected)
Full name (The brokers name)
ID (The brokers ID)
Time (time of last trade/update)
#Buys (Number of Buy Trades)
#Sells (Number of Sells Trades)
#Int Trades (Number Internal Trades)
#Trades (Total number of Trades
#Trades % (Trades shown in percent of total trades)
NB Value (Net Buy Value)
IValue (Internal Value)
TValue (Turnover Value)
TValue% (Turnover Value in percentage)

Edit columns

It is possible to edit columns by right click and choose Select columns.


It is possible to sort on each column by double clicking on the column header.

Pie - Totals

The pie chart provides data on the selected criteria graphically. Select different data input from the "Show" drop-down menu;

Timeline - Selected

The Timeline view enables you to select different brokers from the Table tab and view more in details the information for the defined brokers.

Right click in the Table view to select e.g the Top 10 brokers by turnover;


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