What's New in 5.1

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Click Trading

The Click Trading Window allows you to easily insert orders in the market in just a click.

The view can either be displayed Horizontal or Vertically

Insert a Buy order by clicking on the Bid Size

Insert a Sell order by clicking on the Ask Size

Your orders are indicated on the Buy and Sell Columns

The Price column can be dragged up and down with the mouse or centered by Last traded price by clicking on the Center View


The click trading window is updated with the 5.0 design and several new features:

1. Hit Ask and Hit Bid allows you to trade at the market price even if the exchange does not support "At Market" orders.

2.Tick Bid and Tick Ask allows you to place an order that is one tick better than the current market price.

3. Join Bid and Join Ask will place an order on the the current price level in the order book.

4. Details allows the user to edit the default conditions of the order sent to the market.

5. A visual indication of your position's gain/loss for the current instruments against the traded price has been added

6. Price Indicators have been added for High, Low, VWAP and previous close. These can be configured in the setup dialog.

7. A Position bar at the bottom shows the Volume, Avg. Price and the Result of the portfolio position of the current instrument.

It is also possible to stop the automatic scrolling of the click trading window by holding and dragging the left mouse button in the price field, to view prices outside the current price range. To resume the automatic scrolling, double-click in the middle price column. There is also a  Auto-scroll item in the right-click menu.

Gaps are empty tick sizes where there are no active orders in the public orderbook.Gap handling is improved, it will now be easier to trade on instruments with smaller tick sizes. Supported Gap modes are: All, One or None.

Drag and Drop now also supports moving the order from buy-side to sell-side and vice versa.

Own orders will now be marked in yellow by default.

Ctrl+Click on an order to modify the details of it.

The Clear button has now been renamed Lock. Pressing Lock will prevent any order actions. Note that the volume field will no longer be cleared.


There is now a separate Setup dialog for the Click trading window where you can change all the settings in one place and control the default settings for new Click trading windows.

Web Help

The help file has been moved out of the installation file and onto the web to make it easier to access. In addition the installation file size is significantly reduced.

Other Changes

RTD link support in SME Direkt

SME Direkt level 2 now supports RTD links in the right click menu

Orderbook summary bar

The orderbook window now has an optional summary bar that shows statistics about the Bid/Ask Ratio, Total Bid and Ask Size and the Spread in percent between the best Bid and Ask prices.


New columns in historical data

The following new columns are supported:





Support for ICB sector codes

Most markets already support the GICS codes for market sector information. We now also support the ICB (Industry Classification Benchmark) codes that some exchanges (like Nasdaq OMX) are starting to use in 2012. Market windows have separate columns for GICS and ICB. Symbol overview window will show either ICB or GICS, depending on what is available.


A number of features and windows have been optimized to have better performance in high-load situations.This includes chart windows, full derivative market windows, matching halt alerts, mail to support, click trading window, general handling of market data, etc.

Mail us feedback on this topic! 
