Chart Grid

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In the chart window, a grid containing data series for all graphs can be expanded into view.


For older workspaces that did not have this feature, the grid will be hidden by default. It can be viewed by selecting Properties in the right-click menu, and then select Show Chart Grid (or use the shortcut Shift+F9). When displayed, you can change the width of the grid by click and drag the vertical splitter line between the grid and the chart itself.

From the right-click menu in the grid, it is possible to hide the date and or the time column. The width of each column will be saved as a part of the workspace.

It is possible to copy all the data from the columns into the clipboard. Use the Ctrl+V short cut to select all (or use the menu Select All in the right click menu) and then Ctrl+C to copy.

The selected row in the grid works along with the chart cursor. When the cursor is active, the selected row will follow any movement to the cursor.

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