Portfolio Module

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The Portfolio Module enables you to view your assets in realtime.

How to open

To open select File | New | Portfolio.

Click More | Portfolio


When you first start up a setup dialog appears. Enter your portfolio name, commission and other information as shown. The portfolio can be password protected.

Trades, Open Positions and Closed Positions

On the top bar three tabs/folders appear:

Trades” displays all your trades

Open Positions” displays all your open positions (assets)

Closed Positions” provides a complete overview of your closed trades

Add Assets Manually

Add all your trades to the portfolio to watch your investments in real time. To add assets manually, right-click and select: Asset | New Asset.

Capture Trades from Trading

If you trade using the Trading module in the program, you can set up your portfolio to automatically transfer all trades into you portfolio.


Click the gear wheel icon and go to the Trading tab, from there you check the box for automatic capture and type in your Trading Login and Portfolio name followed by OK.


How it works

The automatic transfer of trades is done through reading a local file located in *\Documents\OnTrade\Portfolio called  "<Portfolio name> - Trades.TR2". This file is automatically created by the Trading module. The content of this file is then read by the portfolio module after the fact. This means that current positions which has not been registered through the trading module in the program, will not show up in the portfolio module.


The following figures are calculated from:

Today Gain/Loss: Change (+/-) * Volume. If shares are bought today; Market Value - Entry cost

Unrealized Gain/Loss: Entry Cost- Market Value - Commission

Realized Gain/Loss: Total entry cost - Total Exit

Portfolio %: Percent of portfolio value, both in market value

Unrealized %: Unrealized Gain/Loss in percent of Total Entry Cost


Your portfolio can be displayed graphically. Right click and select chart and the preferred display; Realized gain/loss, Today’s gain/loss, Asset allocation market / entry price.

Set Date Limits for Portfolio Graphics

In order to limit the information for portfolio graphics, you can right click a chart and select ”Set date limits”. For example, you can select this year’s transactions only, or transactions sold during the past two years. First, select whether to use entry date or exit date. For charts containing only open positions, an exit date cannot be set. Then set first and last permissible date. The program automatically suggests use of the oldest portfolio date and today’s date.


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