Ontrade.INI |
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[IAS] Section - Login detailsThe IAS section in the Ontrade.INI file contains configuration details used to connect to the IAS (Infront Access Server) and login to the system. Some of the settings are related to handle connections through proxy servers. [IAS] UserName=<username> Password="<shuffled password>" Address=login2.goinfront.com Port=443 OwnerProviderID=123 ProxyAddress= ProxyPort=80 ProxyUserName= ProxyPassword= ProxyID=0 ProxyType=1 UsePACFile=0 PACFileAddress= [FILES] Section - Folder pathsThe FILES section in the Ontrade.INI file contains information about what folders to use for different storage files. [FILES] Cache=C:\Users\Username\Documents\OnTrade\Cache Workspace=C:\Users\Username\Documents\OnTrade\Workspace Setup=C:\Users\Username\Documents\OnTrade\Setup Portfolio=C:\Users\Username\Documents\OnTrade\Portfolio MarketPages=C:\Users\Username\Documents\OnTrade\MarketPages SharedScreens= Workspace folderThe Workspace folder contains the workspace files that the user has saved (File | Save Workspace). The default workspace is named "Default.wksp". Each workspace is stored in XML format in a file with .wksp as extension. Earlier versions (4.4 and earlier) would store the workspaces in a different (binary) format and one workspace would consist of multiple files (each with the workspace name as prefix). The following table summaries what content is stored on the Workspace folder
Setup folderThe Setup folder contains files with various global settings and named symbol files. The following table summaries what content is stored on the Setup folder
Portfolio folderThe Portfolio folder contains files with information for the standalone Portfolio window (not the Portfolio page that is part of the Trading window). The following table summaries what content is stored on the Porfolio folder
Cache folderThe Cache folder contains temporary cached information. Caching information in these files can reduce the time and bandwidth used to download large, but slow moving information such as history, instrument static information and so on. You can delete the contents of the cache with the Tools | Delete Cache command. The following table shows what is stored in the Cache folder.
MarketPages folderThe MarketPages folder contains files to support the Market Pages functionality. The following table shows what content is stored in the MarketPages folder.
[OptionCalc] Section - Option Calculator settingsThe OptionCalc section in the Ontrade.INI file contains configuration details used during option calculations. [OptionCalc] Enabled=0 EuroOptionMethod=0 AmericanOptionMethod=2 FutureOptionMethod=1 Accuracy=0.01 BinomialSteps=50 MaxTries=50
In addition the Option Calculator module uses settings stored per feed and underlying, like this: [18177] IntRate=0.061
[18177_DNBNOR] Volatility=0.7429 VolatilityDays=20
[18177_NHY] Volatility=0.5656 VolatilityDays=20
These settings can be edited in the Tools | Option Calc dialog. [Workspace] Section - Last used filesThe Workspace section in the Ontrade.INI file contains a list of the 5 last used workspace files. This information is used to populate the workspace list on the File menu and the Open toolbar button drop-down. [Workspace] File0=C:\Users\Username\Documents\OnTrade\Workspace\Default.wksp File1=C:\Users\Username\Documents\OnTrade\Workspace\Click1.wksp File2=C:\Users\Username\Documents\OnTrade\Workspace\DefaultFlatLine.wksp File3=C:\Users\Username\Documents\OnTrade\Workspace\ModifyNewsTest.wksp
The list of files are updated each time you open a new workspace. [Portfolio] Section - Last used filesThe Portfolio section in the Ontrade.INI file contains a list of the 5 last used portfolio files. This information is used to populate the portfolio list on the File | New | Portfolio menu. [Portfolio] File0=C:\Users\Username\Documents\OnTrade\Portfolio\Private.pse File1=C:\Users\Username\Documents\OnTrade\Portfolio\test2.pse File2=C:\Users\Username\Documents\OnTrade\Portfolio\test3.pse
The list of files are updated each time you open a new portfolio. [OrderEntry] Section - Trading settingsThe OrderEntry section in the Ontrade.INI file contains configuration details used by the trading module. [OrderEntry] LimitPerOrder=0 LimitPerDay=0 DefaultValidDateIndex=0 VolumeDecimals=0 PriceDecimals=2 AvgPriceDecimals=4 DefaultPortfolio=HVTest DefaultOrderType=otNormal DefaultPortfolioFrom=dpfSpecific KeepOrderEntryOpen=True AllowMultiOrderEntry=True AllowMultiOrderStatus=True BuySellButtonUI=bsMakeDefault OrderbookSummary=True OrderbookSummary2=False OrderbookMarketMaker=True OrderbookAveragePrice=False OrderbookAccumulatedVolume=False OrderbookHeadings=True OrderbookVolumeBars=True OrderbookFull=True ShowAdvanced=False AutoExpandAdvanced=True AllowValueEdit=True ShowCommentFilter=False FixedOrderEntryPosition=False HitOnVolumeOption=hvNo HitAsOrderType=otNormal MarketPriceLogic=mplLast ColumnFiltering=True DefaultActiveOrder=True FatFingerAlert=True FatFingerPercent=0.1 SetBuySellBgColor=True ShowHistoricTrades=True KeepDeletedOrders=True DefaultComment= EnableBasketTrading=True AllowMultiBasketTrading=False BasketPosition=bpBuy BasketPriceSource=psAsk DistributeRounding=brDownBoardLot DefaultVolumeBoardlots=0 MaxHistTradeDays=7 PlaySoundAlerts=True SoundBuyOrderPlaced=drip.wav SoundSellOrderPlaced=drip.wav SoundRejectedOrder=buzzer2.wav SoundBuyTradeExecuted=doink.wav SoundSellTradeExecuted=doink.wav AllowPartialParentOrders=False InternalOrderWarning=True InternalTradeWarning=True ConditionalSingleClick=True ConditionalPriceDeltaInTicks=2 ConditionalOrderType=otNormal SingleClickHints=True HitOnVolumeOrderEntry=hvNo DefaultBroker= SupportOrderVWAP=False SupportRequestMarketData=False SupportLiveUpdatesMarketData=True OrderbookYields=False OrderbookBlinkOnChange=False OrderbookHighlightLevelCnt=1 OrderbookSectionSeparator=False LimitCurrency=SEK DeleteOrderShortcut=0 BoardLotWarning=True TickSizeWarning=True UseVolumeLot=True VolumeLotValue=10000 VolumeLotCurrency=NOK VolumeLotRoundTo=100 PriceThresholdWarning=True [MarketPages] Section - Marktet Pages cacheThe MarketPages section in the Ontrade.INI file contains information about automatically downloaded Market Pages files. [MarketPages] logo_tullettprebon.gif=20070913 tullettprebon_eur_composite.html=20080405 tullettprebon_EONIAOIS_composite.html=20071211 tullettprebon_nok_composite.html=20081105 tullettprebon_sek_composite.html=20081105
[CustomSymbolLinks] Section - Per symbol links The CustomSymbolLinks section in the Ontrade.INI file can be used to configure web- or application links. These links will be available in the right-click, symbol menu. [CustomSymbolLinks] Open Notepad=notepad.exe Infront.no=http://www.infront.no/ Oslo Stock Exchange,0=http://www.oslobors.no/markedsaktivitet/stockOverview?newt__ticker=*ticker*
The text on the left side of the equals sign will be used as the menu item caption. The right side contains the path and name of the application or the full URL of the web page you want to link to. By default the links will appear directly in the top-level symbol menu and they will open external browser windows. It is possible to override this by ending the caption with a comma (,) and a numeric value. For instance, using 0 as above the Oslo Stock Exchange link will appear in the Web-links sub-menu and open an internal browser window. Web links may use field codes surrounded by asterisk (*) to include dynamic information from the selected symbol. [Clocks] Section - Toolbar clock configuration The Clocks section in the Ontrade.INI file contains configuration for the different time-zone clocks you can display on the toolbar. [Clocks] Clock0TZ=Romance Standard Time Clock0Cap=Time Clock0Sec=1
[Settings] Section - Misc. settings The Settings section in the Ontrade.INI file contains miscellaneous settings. [Settings] ROtest=canwrite HelpFileName=ontradeENG.chm AliasName=TOT-Vassbotn CertificatesPath=C:\Svnpas\Apps\TOT\Cert\*.cer
ROtestThe ROtest value is just used to test that the application has write access to the Ontrade.ini file. HelpFileNameThe HelpFileName setting saves the last used help file. AliasNameAliasName stores your selected Chat module nick name. CertificationPathCertificationPath is used for providers that require a client certificate to be present on each client machine. |