Chains and Index constituents

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Chains are predefined list from the Infront file server that gives you instant access to selected symbols.

When you first select a chain, the contents will be downloaded from Infronts file server and you will see streaming data for the symbols. The chain you selected will be stored as a part of the Workspace.

Symbols that support chains may also support Index Constituents - that is the list of symbols that contributes to the calculated index value. For instance, right-clicking on the OMXS30 index gives you access to the 30 symbols (stocks) that are included in the OMXS30 index.

How to access

Select the Chains tab under the Market Window or the Composite Window (not available for all markets)



Examples of Chains

Nasdaq 100 constituents

FTSE 100 constituents

Major commodities from NYMEX, COMEX, ICE, LME and GTIS

Examples of Index constituents




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