How to access

Selecting Tools | Setup from the main menu.


The setup dialogue consists of three pages:

Login tab

User name, Password and Login server IP address information is provided by the user's provider.

Port: The application uses port 443 and port 80 for communication. We recommend using port 443 since some Internet providers tend to use more proxies for communication that uses port 80 (web/http).

Proxy tab

These settings are for advanced users. Consult your network administrator if possible.

Automatic Configuration

This is used if your network administrator supplies an automatic configuration script (with proxy information). See below for manual settings.

Proxy Settings

Proxy settings can be retrieved from your web browser's settings. Internet Explorer uses the settings found in the Options dialog (for Internet Explorer see Tools | Internet Options, Connections tab and click the "LAN Settings" button, for Netscape see Edit | Preferences | Advanced | Proxies).

Proxy: Preferably the application should be allowed a direct one-to-one connection with its servers. Alternatively a proxy server can be used by entering its address and port number.

Firewall Login

Add your user name and password if you use a local firewall that requires a login for outbound connections.


Specifies where data from the program must be saved. The folders must be different from each other. The program supplies three default folders.

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