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Twitter client

The application now includes a Twitter client. Using it requires you to have a Twitter account (that can be registered at To open a Twitter window, click the icon in the toolbar (or use File | New | Twitter).


Using Twitter you can follow other leading market tweeters and gather information from all kinds of sources. You can also write your own tweets and share windows in the Twitter client.


Share by tweeting

To share a window in a tweet message, simply use the Share command in the information window, then press the Tweet button.

Support for Reply, Retweet, Favorite, Follow and Delete

Use the icons in each tweet message to reply, retweet, mark as favorite or follow the author.

Supported links

Click on @ tags to view that persons timeline. Click on # tags to search for a topic. Click on $ tags to search for or open a quote window for a symbol.


In the toolbar you have buttons to go to your home timeline, tweet and view your favorites. Type text into the field to search for anything.

Drag and drop

It is possible to drag and drop a symbol from a market or composite window. That will trigger a new tweet and will paste in the code for the symbol. Other users of the application will be able to click this code to open the corresponding quote window.


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