Top Investors

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Top Investors provides information about the largest stockholders on selected exchanges. Top Investors combines the number of stocks with the current market price and calculates the market value on each investors portfolio. It also calculates the share percentage each investor holds in the company, and presents this information in a diagram. In a case where one investor is among the largest shareholders in several companies listed on the Exchange, each market value is presented in a diagram with a percentage of the investors total portfolio.

Availability and Requirements

Professional user on Oslo Stock Exchange (Top 20 Investors)

How to access

Right-click on an instrument on Oslo SE select Symbol details | Top investors

Investor and Symbol

The Top Investors includes two tabs; Investor and Symbol.

The Investor page shows all the companies (stocks, symbols) where an investor is among the largest shareholder.
The Symbol page displays the largest share holders in the selected company.


You can change the sorting of the tables by clicking on the column headings. At the bottom of the table, a footer shows statistics about some of the columns, such as the total market value and the average Shares % in the Investor page (to show the ”r;typical” size of their ownership).

You can copy, print and save the contents of the table and the chart.

Data updates

Information about when the data was last updated is shown in the status line.


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