Forex Cross Table

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The Forex Cross Table shows all the main currencies and the crosses. The Forex Cross Table is located under File | New - Forex Cross Table or by clicking More | Forex Cross table.


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To move columns up or down right click in the table. Choose Edit Crosses from the wrench icon to change visible currencies. The table opens with a conversion panel in the left corner. Print the amount you want the table to display and select currency. The conversion panel then shows the conversed amount.

Move the cursor around the table to see the vertical listed currency converted to the currency in the horizontal column.

The highlight indicates currencies that are being updated/changed.

To change background and highlight colors and fonts in the Forex Cross Table, click on the wrench icon in the caption.

Forex Cross Table

The default sorting of currencies in the Forex Cross Table window has been improved - now the most common currencies appear first. You can change the sorting to match your own preferences by dragging and dropping the columns. Alternatively you can move them by using the Move Up (Ctrl+Up) and Move Down (Ctrl+Down) right-click menu items. You can also reduce the number of currencies displayed by clicking the wrench icon and selecting Edit crosses.The description of each currency has been updated.

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