Export of Orders & Trades

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All Orders, Trades and Portfolio information from the Trading Window can be exported to files by selecting Edit | Save as.


MS Excel files (XLS)
XML Files (XML)
HTML files (HTM)
Text files (TXT)

Scheduled export of orders and trades lists

This is an optional module that enables periodic automatic export of the orders and/or trades currently listed in the Trading window. The exported data is the same that can be stored manually with the Edit | Save as command and support four different formats; MS Excel, XML, HTML and Text.

How to access

The module must be enabled centrally with the package called Advanced: Order Entry - Export Module. The functionality is available by selecting Automatic Export from the right-click menu in the Trading window.

How to use

When the dialog is displayed there is a number of ways to configure how an when the export should be executed. Please note that the content of the export is from the at any time selected portfolio in the Trading window. Also, the Trading window needs to be kept open in order for the automated export to work. The Trading window indicates that automatic export is enabled in the window caption text.

General Settings

This is the configuration of the content. There are two check boxes where you can choose if to export trades, orders or both. The date drop down list contains a pre configured set of date formats that will be used when writing the export file. Finally there is a drop down list of the export format:

MS Excel files (XLS)
XML files (XML)
HTML files (HTM)
Text files (TXT)


Drag the "Start export at" slider back or forth in order to set the desired start time of the export, and do the same with "End export at". The automatic export will then work within this time frame every day as long as the export scheduled export job is active. In the "Export every" drop down box, set how often the export should be executed within the time frame.

Export To

Each export operation produces a new file with a filename consisting of the portfolio name, date, time and orders or trades. In the edit field, enter the desired path where to export, or click the Browse button to open a dialog where you can select the folder. The filename preview will show an example of how the filename will look like with the current selected settings. Click on the "Export Now" button to execute a manually export. Please note that clicking on this button will only do the export once, it will not start the automatic job.

When the configuration of the export schedule is ok, click on the "Start job" in order to start the automatic export. If we are within the time frame, it will execute an export immediately and then a new one after the "Export every" setting. The schedule will from now on be active until you click on the "End Job" button.

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